Summary of The Hindu 17th DECEMBER 2023

MP’s suspension security breach not linked : speaker

In a two page letter to all MPs , Lok Sabha Speaker OM Birla told that “ a high powered committee “ will review all aspects of security in Parliament complex to formulate action plan to prevent any reputation of 13 December incidents . He further clarified in parliament that there was no link between security breach and suspension of MPs. MPs were suspended not for raising issue but  “ carrying placard and creating ruckus “ .

One more arrested in security breach case . Delhi Police has arrested on Saturday a person named Pankaj Kumawat , an associate of Lalit Jha , the alleged “ mastermind “ of the conspiracy behind the Wednesday’s security breach of Parliament .

Mr. Kumawat has been arrested under the charges of conspiracy and destruction of evidence .

Autorickshaw drivers in Telangana irked by Mahalakshmi scheme

Under Mahalakshmi scheme Telangana govt is providing free travel across state buses .  The move is going to lessen women passengers on Autorickshaw , the reason behind Autorickshaw drivers not being happy .

India and Oman in talks to sign economic partnership agreement

India and Oman are on track to sign a Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement , PM Narendra Modi announced on Saturday .

Oman’s Sultan Hatim Bin Tarik the sulyan the ruler of Oman is on his first trip to India .

PM Modi said that  vast number of Indians in Oman is living  example of healthy relationships between the two countries .

This is the first visit of Omani ruler in 26 years .

The two sides signed five agreement :

     The agreement between finance intelligence unit of India

     National Center for Financial Information ( NCFI ) to prevent black Monday laundering ,

     As a gesture to celebrate ancient link between the two took a proposal by Ministry of Culture  to recreate maritime  voyage of stitched ship which is expected to sail from Mandvi in Gujrat to Muscat in Oman during 2025-26 .


The Joint statement said both leaders condemning terrorism in all forms and manifestation .

Modi flags off Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra in five states , says focus will be on smaller cities

PM Modi on Sunday flagged of Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra ( VBSY )  in Rajasthan , Chhattisgarh , Madhya Pradesh ,  Telangana and Mizoram . He had launched the nation wide campaign in Jharkhand on November 15 .

The campaign has so far covered thousand of villages and 1500 cities , including smaller cities and towns . VBSY was not launched in these states because of elections .

Under VBSY govt is reaching to the doors of those who has not benefited from govt schemes and trying to link then with govt schemes . The schemes included under this are Ayushman Bharat , Ujjawala Yojna , Jan Dhan Yojna , PM Kissan , Atal Pension Yojna etc .


Communication blackout and hunger add to Gaza’s 

A prolonged communication blackout  on Saturday in Gaza has increased misery of palestinians living in Gaza . UN aid agency said that the hunger has worsened in the region.

Israel said it’s troops had killed three Gaza hostages after mistaking them as threats . Armed Forces of Israel has expressed “  deep remorse “ over a tragic incident that sparked protest in Tel Aviv .

The  Army official said that the hostages were all “ without shirts “ and has “ a stick with white cloth on it “ but a soldier felt threatened and opened fire .

Taiwan to receive 300 million dollar worth of equipment from US

The US state department has approved 300 million dollar of sale  of equipment to help maintain Israel ‘s tactical information systems , the Pentagon said on Thursday .

Myanamr’s Ethnic Minority fighters seize town from Military


Ethnic minority fighters battling Myanmar’s Junta said on Thursday that they  seized a trading hub in Shan state , they said that they also captured military positions after fighting Junta Army . Analyst says that this is the biggest challenge before Junta rulers thus far .

On Thursday , Beijing announced a temporary ceasefire between alliance and Junta Military .

But it proved to be for very small time .

The ethnic group that is fighting is combined strength of Myanmar’s three ethnic groups Arakan Army ( AA ) ,  Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army ( MNDAA ) and Ta’ang National Liberation Army ( TNLA ) .

In October they combined to form brotherhood alliance to fight army .

Pakistan’s election body issues poll schedule on EC order

The schedule for Pakistan’s general elections on February 8 has been issued

. The Pakistan National Assembly (NA ) has a total of 336 seats ,including 226 general seats. 60 seats reserved for woman , and 10 for Non Muslims.



Why has hungry blocked EU aid to Ukraine. ?

At a meeting of European Union ( EU ) this week  , EU agreed to start  negotioation with Ukraine  EU’s membership .

Hungry’s President Viktor Obran who had moved this , allowed the decision to  go through . But he blocked EU’s 50 Euro dollar aid package to Ukraine .

What is Hungry’s stance ? What will its implications ?

Hungry’s President is a close ally to Russian President Vladimir Putin . He believes that Ukraine regime is based on corruption and country is not ready to get EU membership .

However one of the reasons behind blocking fund is that EU itself has frozen release of 10 billion euro fund to Hungry , for Hungry violating EU norms on law and order and judicial independence .

It seems like Hungry is using this to blackmail EU over this .

For funding or any law to be passed by EU , all EU members has to agree on this .

Does it mean that EU membership of Ukraine a done deal ?

Not yet , it has to cross many obstacles . Currently Just Negotiations has started , it can take years for Ukraine to be finally inducted to EU .  Hungry will have more opportunity to block Ukraine further .

There are 27 EU members ,  For 21 of members which were not the founding members it took 9 years each to be inducted to EU .

Importance of Fund for Ukraine .

Ukraine is reeling under heavy military spending and USA and West which is supporting it in this war is funding these .

Recently Republicans in IS senate blocked about 60 billion dollars of fund to Ukraine , in this backdrop this fund was very important for Ukraine .


How will Article 370 verdict impact Federalism ?

The story so far :

On December 11 , the SC anonymously uoheld the power of President to to abrogate article 370 of constitution .

It reasoned that article 370 was only a ‘ temporary provision ‘ to ease the accession of Princely state to India .

What did the judgement say :

In the Judges concurred that J&K had divested itself of “ any element of sovereignty “ after the execution of the element of accession to Union in 1947 .

What did the petitioners argue ?

Petitioners argued that govt cannot take suchb decision of Abrogation of Article 370 and bifurcation of Jammu and Kashmir into two UTs , when the assembly is not in session .

And it had to come after consulting J&K assembly .

What were court’s views on di

SC reasoned that there was the exercise of Presidential power on the ground of irreversibility would open the way of challenging  everyday administrative actions . And this would put the state machinery to a standstill .

Court however underscored that such exercises of power must have reasonable

nexus of presidential proclamation .


Is the world closer to phasing out fossil fuel ?

COP 28 concluded in Dubai . In this 198 signatory countries agreeing that world must “ transition “ away from fossil fuel in a “ just , orderly and equitable manner “ to achieve net zero by 2050 .

Does the wording away from the world suggest that the end of fossil fuel is near :

Fossil fuel use main culprit behind emissions that causes global warming . Among fossil fuel  coal  , Oil and Gas are major contributors . Emission from coal is 90 % of global emission s.

During CoP 26 in Glasgow it was added by countries to “ pause out “ fossil fuel . But it was not any written commitment . Phasing out and Phasing down has their own meaning .

India and China are countries which are not in favor of adding Coal in this . India has not much oil and Gas , but it has good coal reserve . It uses Coal to run its power plant . India is expanding Coal power uses .

On other hand China has Coal and Gas which is vital for its current development .

Can fossil fuels be immediately replaced ?

India’s National Electricity plan talks about expanding power by 87,000 MW from coal powered sources .  Moving to solar energy adb Wind energy will definitely help in lowering dependence on fossil fuels , but for countries like India which is growing very fastly and is expected to expand  has not room to lower dependency on coal .

Dubai Consensus has talked about “ transition “ away from fossil fuels , but has not specified which fossil fuel these are . There is problem with other fossil fuels as well like , Natural gas production leads to methane emission though  shifting from Coal to Natural gas reduces emission by 50 % While producing energy .

By 33% while Providing heat .

What does Dubai Consensus say about methane ?

Methane is a potent green house has and has more heat trapping capacity than Carbon dioxide .

“ Accelerating and substantially reducing non Carbon dioxide emission globally , including in particular methane emission by 2030 “ is necessary for humanity to limit temperature to 1.5degree rise , the document notes.

During CoP 27 pledge was signed to lower methane emission by 30% by 2030 compared to 2020 level .


India has resisted move to cut methane citing that most of its methane comes from agriculture sector . Though it has its own plans to reduce Methane emission .

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