Summary of The Hindu 3rd APRIL 2024

ED  can summon anyone for ‘ any information ‘ : SC

The Supreme Court on Tuesday endorsed sweeping power of Enforcement Directorate ( ED ) saying that it could call “ anybody for any information “  ,and the individual is “ bound to attend in person or through authorised agents “ .

ED had summoned four senor officials of TamilNadu govt  .

They officers were summoned in sand mining corruption case . Tamil Nadu govt in its reply said that as Election was due to 19 November they needed more time .

The court rapped Tamilnadu government saying they have no respect for court and constitution.

The court has ordered the four to appear before the court on April 25 .

Why did center turn a blind eye to Patanji’s ‘CoViD cure ‘ claim , asks SC

The. The Supreme Court on Tuesday questioned the government for “ shutting eyes’ ‘ while Patanjali Ayruved “ tom tommed’ ‘ its wares as CoVID 19 panacea during the pandemic .

On Patanjali Advertisement during Pandemic

The court asked the government that why they did not inform the public during  Pandemic that the products advertised by Patanajali were supplement to the main medication .

The court directed the government both center and state to file an affidavit “ to dispel  the impression “ that government machinery was complicit with Patanjali .

During Pandemic Patanjali Ayurved was advertising its product Coronil as a Panacea .

Patanjali was also advertising that there was no such product in modern medical science .

Apology by Swami Ramdev

The court on February 27 had issued a contempt proceeding against Patanjali Ayurved and Patanjali MD Acharya Balkrishna for violating an assurance that they would refrain from advertising Patanjali products as “ permanent relief “ for certain diseases .

The court on Tuesday said that the contemnors were taking the proceedings “ too lightly “ . The court also expressed dissatisfaction with the affidavit filed by Patanjali and Mr . Balkrishna .

The court has given a week’s time to file a fresh affidavit .

Sanjay Singh gets bail ; no trace for money trial : SC

Aam Aadmi Party ( AAP ) leader SanJay Singh got bail from the Supreme Court on Tuesday in Delhi  Excise Policy Case .

The Supreme Court Judges observed that no headway was made in recovering the proceeds of crime . The court also pointed out that the accused turned approver Dinesh Arora only in his 10 th statement had implicated Sanjay Singh of taking ₹2 crore bribe .

ED conceded to the demand of bail by Sanjay Singh lawyer .

Got offer to join BJP , threatened with arrest : Atishi

Aam Aadmi Party leader and Delhi minister Atishi said on Tuesday that she had received an offer by BJP in order to “ save “ her “  political career” adding that she was threatened with arrest if she did not accept it .

BJP has dismissed the charges and asked her to either give proof to apologize for her “ false allegation  “ . BJP has said that it will take legal actions  if she doesn’t provide proof .

ED for the first time in a statement said that Arvind Kejriwal had said that Vijay Nair one of the accused  used to report to Atishi and Saurav Bharadwaj and  not him .

First batch of 64 Indian workers from Haryana , Uttar Pradesh leave for Israel

First batch of 64 Indian workers  from Haryana and Uttar Pradesh departed for Israel on Tuesday .

Israel in November 2023 had signed an agreement with India . The agreement was to transfer 10,000 strong workforce from India to work in Israel .

Days after the October 7 strike by Hamas , Israel had banned Palestinian workers in its territory.

Later it signed an agreement with India for more workers .


Seven Charity workers killed in Israel air strike in Gaza

An Israeli air strike killed seven aid workers from World Central Kitchen . Those killed include three British Nationals , an Australian , a polish national , an American Canadian dual citizen and a Plaestinian , according to hospital records .

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin. Netanyahu acknowledged that the country’s forces had carried out an “ unintended strike …. On innocent people “ .

He said officials were looking to ensure it didn’t happen again .

World Central Kitchen is a charity based NGO , it is delivering aid through the sea route from Cyprus .

Iran vows to punish Israel for attack on embassy complex

On Monday strike on Iran’s consulate buliding in Damascus ( Syria ) ,Iran’s state. the media has said that 13 people were killed in the strike in which seven people were from Iran ‘s Revolutionary Guard . It said that Israeli F35 fighter jets fired six missiles that levelled five storey consular building .

Iran’s Supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khameini vowed that Israel “ will be punished at the hands of our brave men . We will make them regret this crime and other ones “.

Iran’s mission at the UN has called the security council “ to condemn this unjustified criminal act “ .

Russia working to remove terrorist from terrorist list

Russia said on Tuesday it had important matters to discuss with Afghanistan’s Taliban leaders and that it was working to remove the Taliban from the list of banned terrorist organizations .

“ This is the country that is next to us ,and one way or another we communicate with them “ ,” we need to resolve pressing issues , this also require dialogue “ , Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov told the reporters .

Mr. Peskov didn’t elaborate on the “Pressing issues “ , but Russia suffered its deadliest attack in 20 years last month when gunmen struck a concert hall . Islamic State Khorasan , which is based in Afghanistan, has taken the responsibility of the attack .

Russia might be looking to take some major action against IS K.

Biden ,Xi discuss AI , Taiwan , fetanyl in a bid to resume talks

Chinese President Xi Jinping and US President Joe Biden on Tuesday  talked on a phone call .

The two leaders talked on range of issues including  AI ,Taiwan and Fetanyl .

The call described by the white house as “ candid and constructive “ .

There is going to be some major visit of US Treasury Secretary  Jenner Yellen . And US secretary of state Antony Blinken  this week and next week respectively.

Fetanyl  – Fetanyl is a synthetic opiods .Its illegal trafficking from China to US is a major issue between the two counties .

China has agreed to crack on  illegal Fetanyl transportation from China to US .

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