Muharram is the first month of the Hijri calendar.
Hazrat Imam Hussain was martyred on the 10th of Muharram. Of all the days, the day of Ashura i.e. the 10th day of Muharram is considered the most important for Shia and Sunni Muslims. It is a day to salute the martyrdom of the martyrs of Karbala. NazimMaulanaShibli, caretaker of Ibadan Sharia Phulwarisharif, says that the importance and virtue of this month is from hundreds of years ago. The incident of the martyrdom of Hazrat Imam Hussain RaziAlehi, the grandson of the Prophet of Islam HazratSallallahoAlaiheWasallam and the family member, took place on 10th Muharram in the field of Karbala. Imam Hussain rising above profit and loss and seeing the precious sight of his life only and only for truth, justice and right, gave this lesson to the people of the world that never accept evils, dishonesty, dictatorship. Imam Hussain rising above profit and loss and seeing the precious sight of his life only and only for truth, justice and right, gave this lesson to the people of the world that never accept evils, dishonesty, dictatorship. Even if the result is in the form of sacrificing oneself and one’s family. Hazrat Imam Hussain also worshiped Allah in the field of Karbala and was martyred in the condition of prostration. The field of Karbala and the martyrdom of Hazrat Imam Hussain teach us to bow our heads before Allah in every situation.
10 Moharram incident
The Hijri calendar was started in memory of the same Hijri incident in the year when HazratSallallahoAlaiheWasallam left Mecca and came to Madina. This is called Hijri or Islamic calendar. Its first month is Muharram. Hazrat Imam Hussain was martyred on 10th Muharram by the soldiers of Yazid in the field of Karbala, 60 years after the death of Hazrat Mohammad SallallahuAlaihiWasallam.
Hussain had a great position
Hazrat Hussain was a pious person. Were honest. He was a great scholar. He had a great status. HuzoorSallallahoWasallam had already said that Hazrat Imam Hussain would be martyred. It was also said that Hazrat Imam Hussain will be the leader of those who will go to heaven. His life was very pure. Used to lead a very simple life. Used to eat modest food and lived in a modest way. The youth should follow this.
Tajia was started by Timur Lang
Tajiyadari was started in India years ago by Timur Lang Badshah. Born in 1336 in Kesh village near Samarkand, in Trans-Oxania (now Uzbekistan), Timur was trained by Chughtai, son of Genghis Khan. At the age of only 13, he became the chieftain of ChugtaiTuk. Some artists are said to have made the structure of the ‘tomb’ or memorial of Imam Hussain with the help of bamboo kimchis. It was decorated with different types of flowers. This was named Tajiya. This Tajiya was first kept in the palace complex of Timur Lung in 801 Hijri. Tell that 18 men of Hazrat Imam Hussain’s family were martyred and 71 men were with others. He too was martyred. In the 10th Muharram, the Shia community and others also mourn in the memory of Hazrat Imam Hussain.