Summary of The Hindu 28 JULY 2023 Current Affairs — — — —

                                     The Hindu . 28 july


Headline : SC extends Mishra ‘s tenure as ED director till sept 15 .

SC on Thursday allowed ED chief to be in his office till September 15 . However it told that no further extension will be given .

 Centers request ;

Earlier  in July 11 verdict SC had told ED director SK Mishra continuing at office as unconstitutional and had given 31 July last date to leave his office .     Just four days ago center requested that work regarding FATF evaluation is on underway , and it is crucial  for SK Mishra to continue in the office . Center has asked SC to let Mr Mishra be on ED chief post till October 15  in national interest .

                  Slamming center over the request SC said ” are you not giving picture here that your entire department is full of incompetent people except this one person …. Is it not demoralising for the entire force that except for this one person , the entire department will collapse ?”


Headline : CBI to probe Manipur sexual assault ; 1 killed as violence continues .

Center in its affaidavit filed on May 4 sexual violence in Thoubal district of Manipur , has told that CBI has been asked to take over the case . This further told that trial will be done outside the state and will be completed within 6 months  of filing the chargesheet .

                      A video circulated in social media about may 4 in Thoubal district had shown 3 woman paraded naked and one being gang raped .

                  Center also told that  expert counsellor  will look in to. Traumatized woman , also the women will be given monetary help to study , her kin will be given jobs by govt .


Headline : Stapled visas for Arunachal athletes unacceptable : India

India on Thursday lodged a strong protest against China giving ” stapled VISA ” to some athletes from Arunachal Pradesh .

                   The Athletes were part of the 12 memeber team bound for world University Games in Chengdu on Wednesday night . AThe team was held back after govt realised that the three students belonging to Arunachal Pradesh were given ” stapled VISA ” , which denotes China’s contention that Arunachal is a disputed territory .

“It has come to our notice that stapled visas have been issued to some of our citizens representing the country in an international sporting event in China. This is unacceptable and we have lodged a strong protest with the Chinese side reiterating our position. India reserves the right to a suitable response to this action,” Ministry spokesperson Arindam Bagchi said.


Headline : Kuki Zomi students of Manipur University seek chift to other institutions .

Many Kuki Zomi students are not attending their classes and residing in holl areas .

They have left colleges  of Imphal and have come back to their native districts following assault , threat .On Thursday protest was organised by such students in Churachandpur .

Headline : No accurate count of PwD population , says parliamentary panel .

Parliamentary standing committee on sot justice and empt pulled center on Thursday for having no accurate estimation of population of Person with Disability ( PwD) .

                  In a reply to committee govt told that PwD data is mainly taken from decennial census , survey conducted by NSSO and National Statistical office . Center is facing fire from activists over dropping Disability related questions in NFHS 6 survey .

Headline : At 120, Kerala reports most deaths from heatwave this year .

Replying a question on Healtwave minister of state health gave data on recent heatwave .

Data till June end says 120 in Kerala  reported highest casualty from heatwave . Other states that followed are Gujrat (35 deaths ) , Telangana ( 20) , Maharashtra (14).  

               IMD issues heatwave alerts and these are then shared with state level nodal officers on climate change to ensure health facility preparedness and follow up .


Headline : India is recognised as a voice of peace , security : jaishankar .


Headline : Court stays ASI surveys of Gyanvapi Mosque till Aug 3 .

 The Allahabad High Court stayed the ASI Survey on Gyanvapi in Varanasi till August 3


Headline : Opposition MPs to visit Manipur valley , hills this weekend


Headline : Mutinous soldiers claim to have ousted Niger President

Coup in Niger

Niger army on Thursday called that they had detained the president and there has been a coup . The Mutinous soldiers who called themselves National council for safeguarding country ,took the state television and announced that they had seized control of country because of deterioration f security and economic and social security condition .

                            Govt however has not accepted it . Foreign minister of coui told that ” there was a coup but we cannot accept it ” . He also called for uncoditional release of president .


Unstability in region :

The region of western Africa has been very unstable . Niger saw first democratically elected govt in 2021 since it’s independence from France in 1960 . The nearby countries like Mali and Burkina Faso has seen several coup since 2020 . Wagner group was involved in Coup in Mali . But a whte house spolesperson on Thursday said that here has not. Been indication that Wagner was part of this coup .

Headline : Russia will try to avert a food crisis : Putin at summit

opening session of two day Russia Africa summit was attended on Thursday by a sharply lower number of African countries compared to 2019 in St. Petersburg . President Putin told leaders and officials that his country is making full effort to avert global food crisis despite concerns that its withdrawal from hraint shipment deal with Ukraine will cause shortage and price rise .

                  ” I have already said that our country can replace Ukrianian grain , both as a commercial basis and as a grant in aid to the neediest African countries , more so since we seek record harvest this year .” Mr. Putin said .

                      Mr Putin also announced other moves to deepen relation with Africa including increased enrollment of Russian students in Russian Universities , the opening of Russia. media news beaurues in many African countries  and a proposed ” information space in Russia and Africa , within which unbiased information about events taking place in the world will e broadcast to Russian and African Audiences.  ” .

Headline : Kyiv launches a major push against Russian Forces .

Ukriane has launched a major push to dislodge Russian Forces from the countrys south east as part of its week long counteroffensive . Ukrianian troops and firepower has been increased heavily in Zaprozhizhia region , a western official said in Wednesday .


Ukraine is focused on Zaprozhizhia in new counteroffensive


Headline : Pakistan granted rollover on 2.4 billion dollar Chinese loan

Islamabad on Thursday said that China has granted a two year rollover on a 2.4 billion dollar loan on Thursday . During two year period Pakistan will only pay interest on this loan .

                   Recently Pakistan  got loans from UAE , Saudi Arabia and China . IMF approved 3 billion dollar loan . Pakistani Forex reserve has reached 8.7 billion dollars .


Headline : Era of global boiling has arrived , warns UN chief  Antonio Guterras .

UN secretary general told ret on Thursday that Era of global wat has ended and “the era of Global boiling has arrived ” after scientist said july this year was the world’s hottest month on the record .” Climate change is here .it is terrifying and is just the beginning .

                      July this year has seen forest forest heatwaves across Europe , temperature crossing limits . Flood in several parts like nothern India , China , South Korea   parts where it is unusual .



Editorial 1

Elusive consensus

The govt must transparently lay out the state of relation with China


About the editorial :

The editorial talks about India China relations .It focuses on recent meeting between NSA Ajit dowal and Chinese top diplomat Qin Gang .

It talks about the contentious issues between the two countries and tells govt to communicate it’s stand with country .


About meeting between Ajit Doval and Wang Yi on the sidelines of BRICS NSA meet :

Recently India’s national Security Advisor , Ajit Doval met with Chinese top diplomat Wang Yi in Johannesberg on the sidelines of BRICS 2023 .

India’s stand :

Mr.  Doval told that situation at LAC has “eroded ” the “public and polit basis ” of ties .

There is need to ” restore peace and tranquility in border areas so as to remove the impediments to the normalcy in bilateral ties “.

China’s stand

On the other hand , Chinese readout called for ” early ” reform  of this “to the track of healthy and stable development ” . It also talked that during G20 summit in Bali last year PM modi and president Xi had met with “an important consensus ” to stabilise  ties known as ” Bali consensus ” . No side had earlier talked about this . Indian MEA told that in a brief informal meet between the two leaders they only exchanged courtieries , discussed the  ” need to stabilize bilateral ties “.

The editorial tells that ministry should have revealed earlier . But the take here is that the talk was totally informal at Gala event of Bali G20 summit .


About India China relations :

 Relations has been not ok since 2020 , after Galwan clash and Chinese one sided violation of LAC . Though several rounds of talks has been able to made consensus on many friction points . There are  two friction points namely Depsang and Demchowk which are still unresolved . Recently Chinese tried to violate buffer zone in Chumbi valley but laterrestoeed after interference from Indian side .India blocking many Chinese websites and apps like Tik Tok and others shows the relations has been strained .

                Whatever the situation be the public should be kept informed .

PM modi and Xi during Bali 


Editorial 2

Fractured mandate

Spanish voters hae palced their  fiath in mainstream political parties .

About the editorial :

The editorial is regarding recent elections in Spain that has given hung assembly . It talks about possibility the stand of different parties .


 About recent elections in Spain ;

Spain election results this time shows a fractured mandate with no party getting a clear majority .



Party name

Seats in this election

Seats previous general election


Peoples party (PP)



Pedro Sanchez

Spanish Socialist workers party ( SPOE)



Francisco Franco









The people party and Vox are far right parties and seem to form a. Coalition but still it will not be enough  as total seats then will be ( 136 + 33 = 169) 169 still short of majority 176 to form govt . On the other hand Sumar can form coalition with SPOE, but it will be quite short of 176 . But their are several small parties that align with SPOE ideologically . For time being the king has appointed Mr .Sanchez as the interim Prime minister .


 About rise of right wing in Europe ;

 In recent time  Europe has seen rise of right wing parties like Georgia Meloni in Italy , and Greece .But Spain is a different case with PromeMinoster Sanchez handling situation of pandemic and inflation proactively unlike other countries of Europe .


Seat distribution in election 20

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